NPSG Australia

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World Environment Day

This year’s World Environment Day campaign focuses on land restoration, desertification and drought resilience under the slogan “Our land. Our future. We are #GenerationRestoration.” Drought and desertification are threatening essential ecosystems across the planet, including freshwater ecosystems and soil, the connective tissue that makes all life on Earth possible.

UNEP’s World Environment Day Practical Guide is designed to help get everyone involved in halting land degradation and restoring ecosystems. This practical guide is organised into several chapters such as food systems, freshwater ecosystems, human habitats such as cities and lastly, humans including businesses and everyday citizens.

There is something for everyone in the guide and protecting the environment starts with each and every one of us to be accountable.

Here are some examples of changes you can make to help restore ecosystems:

  • Collect kitchen waste to use as compost in gardens

  • Include more soil-friendly foods in your diet, such as lentils, beans and chickpeas

  • Shop for sustainable and locally produced food products and beverages

  • Shift diets so that they are regional, seasonal and plant-rich

  • Support local beekeepers by buying their products

  • Adopt ecosystem-based approaches for pest control in gardens

At NPSG Australia we recognise our responsibility to the environment and communities in which we operate. As a socially responsible organisation, we are committed to contributing to sustainable development. 

In alignment with the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), NPSG Australia focuses its efforts on three key goals:

  • Industry, innovation, and infrastructure

  • Responsible Consumption and Production

  • Climate Action

As we embark on our sustainability journey, these aligned SDGs serve as guiding principles for our commitment to environmental responsibility, sustainable development, and social responsibility. NPSG Australia is committed to taking practical and realistic steps to assess and manage day-to-day business activities in an environmentally responsible manner while positively impacting the eco-systems we serve.